Psalm 116 1-2
I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy.
Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Wisdom and Kindness, open wide.

I just returned from a Beth Moore simulcast. I have been staring off and on at this blog I began a few weeks ago, but have had nothing to type since my first entry. Part of my hesitation was this feeling that I don't just want to talk on it, I want to post what the Lord prompts me to. So, since He hadn't been giving me a topic, I would just stare at it and be kind of puzzled wondering why I felt led to start it. I want to save those long babbling conversations, where we work through things in face to face, voice to voice, friend times. { you know ladies, we still need those}
Well today one of the things Beth stated was that we are all "publishers". If we blog, facebook, email, txt, tweeter. Anything we put in print is out there for all to read and we are publishers. But publishers, have editors, and we don't. She stated the Holy Spirit needs to be our editor. There you have it, that is why I haven't had anything to say until today. The Lord knows me, He knows I need an editor. He knows my heart may have good intentions, but my flesh can speak and it may something later I wish I hadn't "published'.
I want to share what the Lord imparted through Beth's teaching today and how it affected me.
The wonderful thing Beth Moore shared on was seeking the Lord to be a Proverbs 31 women, who lets wisdom and kindness come out of her mouth.
I am committing to asking the Lord to make me that women. The thing that is so needed, is that the Lord has to do it in us.
Because it really is a heart issue. If we are unable to release hurts, bitterness, falseness, than those things flow up from our heart and out our mouth. Now, we may be disciplined enough to say "nice things" but being nice isn't the same as "kindness." Kindness comes from a heart of Love, a heart that Loves overflowingly because of His love for us, gratitude to our Lord.
A mouth that speaks wisdom and kindness isn't thinking about herself at all. The love we give is to "profit" others, not ourselves and as we do that there is joy in the releasing of wisdom and kindness. We are in tune with Holy Spirit guiding us how to give, how to love and how to serve.
I want to be that women. I want my husband and children to remember words of kindness, wisdom coming out of this mouth. I want to love those the Lord puts in my path, to speak wisdom and kindness that will make my friends profit! Not hurt.
But I am not like that. Sometimes I am, but not as I want. I, we are very human, very flesh. We don't have to get discouraged though, because we have Jesus who is on our side, who sees our desire to be different. glad for that!
I have faith that if the Lord has it in His word, and we ask Him to develop that in us, He is faithful to do so.
It was a good day, I came away with much to hold myself accountable to and a deeper knowing that I myself can not do it, but the Lord is able. I am tired and have actually been grumpy since I got home...Oh Lord work in me. I share that to give God all the Glory, because as I type how I want to be, I see how I am not.
BUT,,,"Oh how He loves us, Oh how He loves" That is what we rest in.
I am going to post in 2 weeks, what and how the Lord has grown me in this. Even if it is only a teeny wee pit changed.
Know that you are Loved today, He Loves us.
And if you are one of my dear friends who would be the only ones reading this..know I love you dearly too!

1 comment:

  1. Awww! Love you too my friend! And I think you have imparted much "Kindness" into my life. You're legacy is "kindness!" :)
