Psalm 116 1-2
I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy.
Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Witnessing wisdom and Love

I started this post to tell you about my progress in having a heart that overflows from this mouth words of wisdom and love, and immediately changed course to share with you how I spent my day.
I spent a good part of today at my dear friend Tami's with her beautiful baby girls. I call Tami's house the "happy house!" Because it is. The Lord's presence is there, there is joy, thankfulness and parents who are blessed as they dreamed to be for a long time. How can it be anything but a Happy home. I love visiting with them.
One of the reason their home stays joyful, even through trying times, as all parents have, is that Tami and Adam both, speak words of wisdom and love that I have blogged about. They continually trust in the Lord to walk them through what that week brings and out of their mouths are words of faith and thanksgiving. They have been through alot the last couple of weeks, I have not heard any words of muttering or upset to the Lord, only trust and thanksgiving for being their families loving God and healer.
One of the wisdom's Beth spoke of was recognition of Jesus as all and continued thankfulness for all he has done. We that is deep in our heart, than in all circumstances love and thankfulness flows out. That is true. and that is the picture I just described above.
I consider today a blessed day. Not much more fun you can have than holding a sweet baby and talking to a friend. Life's simple things are the best.
I am not sure how my own progress has been in deeping a heart seeking wisdom and Love, but my journey to develop it in myself has opened my eyes wider in seeing that gift in others.

1 comment:

  1. It's a happy home because of the people we have in you! We are so thankful for Godly friends and family that flood through our doors, speaking wisdom and truth into our lives! :)
